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ACS Based Flight Lessons by License Type
Private Pilot
Commercial Pilot
Certificated Flight Instructor - Airplane
Fundamentals Of Instructing
The Learning Process
Human Behaviour and Effective Communication
The Teaching Process
Teaching Methods
Critique and Evaluation
Flight Instructor Characteristics and Responsibilities
Planning Instructional Activity
Technical Subject Areas
Aeromedical Factors
Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance
Principles Of Flight
Airplane Flight Controls
Airplane Weight and Balance
Navigation and Flight Planning
Night Operations
High Altitude Operations
Federal Aviation Regulations and Publications
National Airspace System
Navigation Systems and Radar Services
Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorcements
Water and Seaplane Characteristics (ASES)
Seaplane Bases Rules and Aids To Marine Navigation (ASES)
Pre Flight Preperation
Certificates and Documents References
Weather Information
Operation Of Systems
Performance and Limitations
Airworthiness Requirements
Pre-Flight Lesson on a Maeuver To Be Performed In Flight
Maeuver Lesson
Pre-Flight Procedures
Pre Flight Inspection (ASEL and ASES)
Cockpit Management (ASEL and ASES)
Engine Starting (ASEL and ASES)
Taxiing-Landplane (ASEL)
Taxiing-Seaplane (ASES)
Sailing (ASES)
Before Take-off Check (ASEL and ASES)
Airport and Seaplane Base Operations
Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES)
Traffic Patterns (ASEL and ASES)
Airport\Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting (ASEL and ASES)
Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds
Normal and Crosswind Take-off and Climb (ASEL and ASES)
Short-Field (Confined Area-ASES) Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES)
Soft-Field Take-off and Climb (ASEL)
Glassy-Water Take-off and Climb (ASES)
Rough-Water Take-off and Climb (ASES)
Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES)
Slip To A Landing( ASEL and ASES)
Go-Around Rejected Landing (ASEL and ASES)
Short-Field (Confined Area-ASES) Take-off and Maximum Performance Climb (ASEL and ASES)
Soft-Field Approach And Landing (ASEL)
180 Degree Power-Off Accuracy Approach and Landing (ASEL)
Glassy-Water Approach And Landing
Rough-Water Approach and Landing (ASES)
Fundamentals of Flight
Straight-And-Level Flight (ASEL and ASES)
Level Turns (ASEL and ASES)
Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns (ASEL and ASES)
Straight Descents and Descending Turns (ASEL and ASES)
Performance Maneuvers
Steep Turns (ASEL and ASES)
Steep Spirals (ASEL and ASES)
Chandelles (ASEL and ASES)
Lazy Eights (ASEL and ASES)
Ground Reference Maneuvers
Rectangular Course (ASEL and ASES)
S-Turns Across a Road (ASEL and ASES)
Turns Around a Point (ASEL and ASES)
Eights On Pylons (ASEL and ASES)
Slow Flight, Stalls, and Spins
Maneuvering During Slow Flight (ASEL and ASES)
Power-On Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES)
Power-Off Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES)
Crossed-Control Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES)
Elevator Trim Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES)
Secondary Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES)
Spins (ASEL and ASES)
Accelerated Maneuver Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES)
Basic Instrument Maneuvers
Basic Instrument Straight-And-Level Flight (ASEL and ASES)
Basic Instrument Constant Airspeed Climbs (ASEL and ASES)
Basic Instrument Constant Airspeed Descents (ASEL and ASES)
Basic Instrument Turns To Headings (ASEL and ASES)
Basic Instrument Recovery From Unusual Attitudes (ASEL and ASES)
Emergency Operations
Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated) (ASEL and ASES)
Systems and Equipment Malfunctions (ASEL and ASES)
Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear (ASEL and ASES)
Emergency Descent (ASEL and ASES)
Post-Flight Procedures
Post-Flight Procedures (ASEL and ASES)
Anchoring (ASES)
Docking and Mooring (ASES)
Beaching (ASES)
Ramping (ASES)
Private Pilot - Airplane
Private Pilot Syllabus
Preflight Preparation
Certificates and Documents (ASEL and ASES)
Airworthiness Requirements (ASEL and ASES)
Weather Information (ASEL and ASES)
Cross-Country Flight Planning (ASEL and ASES)
National Airspace System (ASEL and ASES)
Performance and Limitations (ASEL and ASES)
Operation of Systems (ASEL and ASES)
Water and Seaplane Characteristics (ASES)
Seaplane Bases, Maritime Rules and Aids to Marine Navigation (ASES)
Aeromedical Factors (ASEL and ASES)
Preflight Procedures
Preflight Inspection (ASEL and ASES)
Cockpit Management (ASEL and ASES)
Engine Starting (ASEL and ASES)
Taxiing (ASEL)
Taxiing (ASES)
Sailing (ASES)
Before Takeoff Check (ASEL and ASES)
Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES)
Traffic Patterns (ASEL and ASES)
Airport/Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and LightingASEL and ASES)
Normal and Crosswind Take-off and Climb (ASEL and ASES)
Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES)
Soft-Field Take-off and Climb (ASEL)
Soft-Field Approach And Landing (ASEL)
Short-Field (Confined Area-ASES) Take-off and Maximum Performance Climb (ASEL and ASES)
Short-Field (Confined Area-ASES) Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES)
Glassy-Water Take-off and Climb (ASES)
Glassy-Water Approach And Landing
Rough-Water Take-off and Climb (ASES)
Rough-Water Approach and Landing (ASES)
Slip To A Landing( ASEL and ASES)
Go-Around Rejected Landing (ASEL and ASES)
Steep Turns (ASEL and ASES)
Rectangular Course (ASEL and ASES)
S-Turns (ASEL and ASES)
Turns Around a Point (ASEL and ASES)
Pilotage and Dead Reckoning(ASEL and ASES)
Navigation Systems and Radar Services
Diversion (ASEL and ASES)
Lost Procedures (ASEL and ASES)
Maneuvering During Slow Flight (ASEL and ASES)
Power-Off Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES)
Power-On Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES)
Spin Awareness (ASEL and ASES)
Straight-And-Level Flight (ASEL and ASES)
Constant Airspeed Climbs (ASEL and ASES)
Constant Airspeed Descents (ASEL and ASES)
Turns To Headings (ASEL and ASES)
Recovery From Unusual Attitudes (ASEL and ASES)
Radio Communications (ASEL and ASES)
Navigation Systems and Radar Services (ASEL and ASES)
Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated) (ASEL and ASES)
Systems and Equipment Malfunctions (ASEL and ASES)
Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear (ASEL and ASES)
Night Preparation (ASEL and ASES)
After Landing, Parking, and Securing (ASEL and ASES)
Anchoring (ASES)
Docking and Mooring (ASES)
Commercial Pilot - Airplane
Commercial Pilot Syllabus
Preflight Preperation
Certificates and Documents (ASEL and ASES)
Airworthiness Requirements (ASEL and ASES)
Weather Information (ASEL and ASES)
Cross-Country Flight Planning (ASEL and ASES)
National Airspace System (ASEL and ASES)
Performance and Limitations (ASEL and ASES)
Operation of Systems (ASEL and ASES)
Water and Seaplane Characteristics (ASES)
Seaplane Bases, Maritime Rules and Aids to Marine Navigation (ASES)
Aeromedical Factors (ASEL and ASES)
Preflight Procedures
Preflight Inspection (ASEL and ASES)
Cockpit Management (ASEL and ASES)
Engine Starting (ASEL and ASES)
Taxiing (ASEL)
Taxiing (ASES)
Sailing (ASES)
Before Takeoff Check (ASEL and ASES)
Airport and Seaplane Base Operations
Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES)
Traffic Patterns (ASEL and ASES)
Airport/Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and LightingASEL and ASES)
Take-offs Landings and Go-Arounds
Normal and Crosswind Take-off and Climb (ASEL and ASES)
Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES)
Soft-Field Take-off and Climb (ASEL)
Soft-Field Approach And Landing (ASEL)
Short-Field (Confined Area-ASES) Take-off and Maximum Performance Climb (ASEL and ASES)
Short-Field (Confined Area-ASES) Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES)
Glassy-Water Take-off and Climb (ASES)
Glassy-Water Approach And Landing
Rough-Water Take-off and Climb (ASES)
Rough-Water Approach and Landing (ASES)
Slip To A Landing( ASEL and ASES)
Slip To A Landing( ASEL and ASES)
Go-Around Rejected Landing (ASEL and ASES)
Performance Maneuvers
Steep Turns (ASEL and ASES)
Steep Spirals (ASEL and ASES)
Chandelles (ASEL and ASES)
Lazy Eights (ASEL and ASES)
Ground Reference Maneuvers
Eights On Pylons (ASEL and ASES)
Pilotage and Dead Reckoning(ASEL and ASES)
Navigation Systems and Radar Services
Diversion (ASEL and ASES)
Lost Procedures (ASEL and ASES)
Slow Flight and Stalls
Maneuvering During Slow Flight (ASEL and ASES)
Power-Off Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES)
Power-On Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES)
Spin Awareness (ASEL and ASES)
Emergency Operations
Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated) (ASEL and ASES)
Systems and Equipment Malfunctions (ASEL and ASES)
Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear (ASEL and ASES)
High Altitude Operations
Supplemental Oxygen (ASEL and ASES)
Pressurization (ASEL and ASES)
Post Flight Procedures
After Landing, Parking, and Securing (ASEL and ASES)
Anchoring (ASES)
Docking and Mooring (ASES)
Ramping (ASES)
Beaching (ASES)