REFERENCES: FAA-H-8083-15, FAA-S-8081-4.
Objective. To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of aircraft:
1. Flight instrument systems and their operating characteristics to include
a. pitot-static system.
b. attitude indicator.
c. heading indicator/horizontal situation indicator/radio magnetic indicator.
d. magnetic compass.
e. turn-and-slip indicator/turn coordinator.
f. electrical system.
g. vacuum system.
h. electronic engine instrument display.
i. primary flight display, if installed.
2. Navigation equipment and their operating characteristics to include
a. VHF omnirange (VOR).
b. distance measuring equipment (DME).
c. instrument landing system (ILS)
d. marker beacon receiver/indicators.
e. automatic direction finder (ADF).
f. transponder/altitude encoding.
g. electronic flight instrument display.
h. global positioning system (GPS)
i. automatic pilot.
j. flight management system (FMS).
k. multifunction display, if installed.
3. Anti-ice/deicing and weather detection equipment and their operating characteristics to include?
a. airframe.
b. propeller or rotor.
c. air intake.
d. fuel system.
e. pitot-static system.
f. radar/lightning detection system.
g. other inflight weather systems.
REFERENCES: FAA-H-8083-3; FAA-S-8081-12, FAA-S-8081-14; AIM.
Objective. To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements related to aeromedical factors by describing:
1. Hypoxia
2. Hyperventilation
3. Middle ear and sinus problems
4. Spatial disorientation
5. Motion sickness
6. Alcohol and drugs
7. Carbon monoxide poisoning
8. Evolved gasses for suba diving
9. Stress and fatigue
REFERENCES: 14 CFR parts 61, 71, 91, 95, and 97; FAA-H-8083-15; AIM.
Objective. To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements related to regulations and publications, (related to instrument flight and instrument flight instruction) their purpose, general content, availability, and method of revision by describing:
1. 14 CFR parts 61, 71, 91, 95, and 97.
2. FAA-H-8083-15, Instrument Flying Handbook.
3. Aeronautical Information Manual.
4. Practical Test Standards.
5. Airport Facility Directory.
6. Standard Instrument Departures/Terminal Arrivals.
7. En Route Charts.
8. Standard Instrument Approach Procedure Charts.
REFERENCES: 14 CFR part 61; AC 61-65; AC 61-98.
Objective. To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of logbook entries related to instrument instruction by describing:
1. Logbook entries or training records for instrument flight/instrument flight instruction or ground instruction given.
2. Preparation of a recommendation for an instrument rating practical test, including appropriate logbook entry.
3. Required endorsement of a pilot logbook for satisfactory completion of an instrument proficiency check.
4. Required flight instructor records.