NOTE: The examiner must select at least one TASK.
REFERENCES: AC 00-6, AC 00-45; FAA-S-8081-4; AIM.
Objective. To determine that the applicant exhibits instructionalknowledge related to IFR weather information.
1. Sources of weather?
a. AWOS, ASOS, and ATIS reports.
c. TWEB.
2. Weather reports and charts?
a. METAR, TAF, FA, and radar reports.
b. inflight weather advisories.
c. surface analysis, weather depiction, and radar summary charts.
d. significant weather prognostic charts.
e. winds and temperatures aloft charts.
f. pilot weather reports (PIREPS).
g. freezing level charts.
h. stability charts.
i. severe weather outlook charts.

REFERENCES: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-15, FAA-S-8081-4; AIM.
Objective. To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of cross-country flight planning by describing the:
1. Regulatory requirements for instrument flight within various types of airspace.
2. Computation of estimated time en route and total fuel requirement for an IFR cross-country flight.
3. Selection and correct interpretation of the current and applicable en route charts, RNAV, DPs, STARs, and standard instrument approach procedure charts (IAP).
4. Procurement and interpretation of the applicable NOTAM information.
5. Completes and files an IFR flight plan that accurately reflects the conditions of the proposed flight. (Does not have to be filed with ATC.)
6. Demonstrates adequate knowledge of GPS and RAIM capability, when aircraft is so equipped.
7. Demonstrates the ability to recognize wing contamination due to airframe icing.
8. Demonstrates adequate knowledge of the adverse effects of airframe icing during landing phases of flight and corrective actions: pretakeoff, takeoff, and cruise.
9. Demonstrates familiarity with any icing procedures and/or information published by the manufacturer that is specific to the aircraft used on the practical test.

REFERENCES: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-15, FAA-S-8081-4.
Objective. To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of an instrument cockpit check by describing the reasons for the check and the detection of defects that could affect safe instrument flight. The check shall include:
1. Communications equipment.
2. Navigation equipment.
3. Magnetic compass.
4. Heading indicator/horizontal situation indicator/remote magnetic indicator.
5. Attitude indicator.
6. Altimeter.
7. Turn-and-slip indicator/turn coordinator.
8. Vertical-speed indicator.
9. Airspeed indicator.
10. Outside air temperature.
11. Clock.
12. Pilot heat.
13. Electronic flight instrument display.
14. Traffic awareness/warning/avoidance system.
15. Terrain awareness/warning/alert system.
16. Flight management system (FMS).
17. Automatic pilot.
