REFERENCES: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-15; FAA-S-8081-4.
Objective. To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of air traffic control clearances by describing:
1. Pilot and controller responsibilities to include tower, en route control, and clearance void times.
2. Correct and timely copying of an ATC clearance.
3. Ability to comply with the clearance.
4. Correct and timely read-back of an ATC clearance, using standard phraseology.
5. Correct interpretation of an ATC clearance and, when necessary, request for clarification, verification, or change.
6. Setting of communication and navigation frequencies in compliance with an ATC clearance.
REFERENCES: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-15; FAA-S-8081-4; AIM.
Objective. To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements related to compliance with departure, en route, and arrival procedures and clearances by describing:
1. Selection and use of current and appropriate navigation publications.
2. Pilot and controller responsibilities with regard to DPs, En Route Low and High Altitude Charts, and STARs.
3. Selection and use of appropriate communications frequencies.
4. Selection and identification of the navigation aids.
5. Accomplishment of the appropriate checklist items.
6. Pilot?s responsibility for compliance with vectors and also altitude, airspeed, climb, descent, and airspace restrictions.
7. Pilot?s responsibility for the interception of courses, radials, and bearings appropriate to the procedure, route, or clearance.
8. Procedures to be used in the event of two-way communications failure.
9. The uses of the multifunction display and other graphical navigational displays, if installed, to monitor position track, wind drift, and other parameters to maintain situational awareness and desired flightpath.