VII. AREA OF OPERATION: Navigation Systems
NOTE: The examiner shall select TASK A and B. If aircraft is not DME equipped, performance of DME arcs shall be tested orally.
REFERENCES: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-15; FAA-S-8081-4; AIM.
Objective. To determine that the applicant:
1. Exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements of intercepting and tracking navigational systems and DME arcs by describing
a. tuning and identification of a navigational facility.
b. setting of a selected course on the navigation selector or the correct identification of a selected bearing on the RMI.
c. method for determining aircraft position relative to a facility.
d. procedure for intercepting and maintaining a selected course.
e. procedure for intercepting and maintaining a DME arc.
f. procedure for intercepting a course or localizer from a DME arc.
g. recognition of navigation facility or waypoint passage.
h. recognition of navigation receiver or facility failure.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related to intercepting and tracking navigational systems and DME arcs by describing
a. incorrect tuning and identification procedures.
b. failure to properly set the navigation selector on the course to be intercepted.
c. failure to use proper procedures for course or DME arc interception and tracking.
d. improper procedures for intercepting a course or localizer from a DME arc.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains intercepting and tracking navigational systems and DME arcs from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to intercepting and tracking navigational systems and DME arcs.
5. Exhibits instructional knowledge on the uses of the MFD and other graphical navigational displays, if installed, to monitor position in relation to the desired flightpath during holding.

REFERENCES: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-9, FAA-H-8083-15; FAA-S-8081-4; AIM.
Objective. To determine that the applicant:
1. Exhibits instructional knowledge of holding procedures by describing
a. setting of aircraft navigation equipment.
b. requirement for establishing the appropriate holding airspeed for the aircraft and altitude.
c. recognition of arrival at the holding fix and the prompt initiation of entry into the holding pattern.
d. timing procedure.
e. correction for wind drift.
f. use of DME in a holding pattern.
g. compliance with ATC reporting requirements.
2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related to holding procedures by describing
a. incorrect setting of aircraft navigation equipment.
b. inappropriate altitude, airspeed, and bank control.
c. improper timing.
d. improper wind drift correction.
e. failure to recognize holding fix passage.
f. failure to comply with ATC instructions.
3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains holding procedures from an instructional standpoint.
4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to holding procedures.
5. Exhibits instructional knowledge on the use of the MFD and other graphical navigational displays, if installed, to monitor position in relation to the desired flightpath during holding.
